Why Choose Us?

That’s a little bit like asking why take a daily vitamin, why read the newest novels from Michael Chabon or Jennifer Egan, or why power through a tough core workout?

Meaning, some things you do because they’re damn likely to make your life better.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with being practical when it comes to picking up the phone or engaging marketing, PR, social media and strategy help. In that case, there’s a more straightforward answer. You should choose Leibowitz Solo when you need help with:

  • Public relations that tells your best story.
  • Political messaging that sways voters your way.
  • Crisis communications that diminishes your worst story.
  • Media relations that expands your Rolodex by a power of 10.
  • Strategy to guide your next year or next decade.
  • Social media that takes Web 2.0 to its leading edge.
  • Crafting a story guaranteed to be remembered.

That said, Leibowitz Solo isn’t for everyone. If you want a big agency with free candy and fancy office space and account execs galore, there are plenty of places that fit the bill. But if you want help now – smart, experienced, nimble, cost-effective help – then call 602.317.1414 today.